Saturday, August 21, 2010

Experienced truck.

This picture i shot during shooting a short film in Bangalore,well what fascinate me about this picture is these cliche line at back and worn out wheels looks like experienced truck.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ek Chidiya Ek Chidiya

this woman never looking in cam though i took several shots .....................


Harini's Fav....................................


Before taking this picture my friend said " why clicking a loo". i was little fascinated the way light was falling in this structure and the way board says "Gents Toilet"  prominently


This i clicked when a shopkeeper's friend insisted to click this shop, and asked me if i can give him xerox of photo ( a copy of this photo).

Friday, August 13, 2010

Jewels and Jewels

This picture has  element of  nothingness......................


This picture was shot at Silparamam (place for Indian handicraft) Hyderabad , this was one one of random evenings i picked up my camera and camera along with a friend to this place.
this picture have feeling of  introspection ..............