Sunday, September 18, 2011

Surreal- Vagmon-Kerala

                             Purity or what else...
    Door to somewhere...

    When sky falling down on my way to Vagamon...

   Serendipity: This photograph was the result of my careless click.

   One of the bent on the some where near Vagamon.

     On my back to Thodupuzha (Kerala, India) form Vagamon.


Another Hartal (Strike) in Kerala, i was lost in bed in a rainy day, in utter confusion, what to do? then phone rings, to my surprise it was my colleague  on other side, jumping in excitement, well i assumed it, as the  joy of going to Vagamon was flowing with each word coming out of her mouth. Then everything happens in fast forward motion. All of us were ready in no time, met at the main door of the hotel by 2 pm. By the way i forgot to tell you we were three of us. 

 Squeezed our self in a taxi,  and zoomed our way to Vagamon, it was such a pleasure cruising through hair pin bents of Vagamon, clouds kissing landscape, where  monsoon clouds were acting like curtain every bent they reveal something new about this place, whole landscape was changing its color like a canvas, being painted and repainted. as we were reaching higher altitude, things were turning so surreal, rays of light playing hide and seek from time to time, and sound of small-small streams added musical effect to this whole journey. Monsoon rains has made this all the more green and our  host and dost our taxi driver, Soby, was telling about the places around he was talking in Malayalam but, was able to figure out and if i don't sometimes my colleague Arayan, use to clarify it or some times Sneha. During this whole journey we didn't come out much form the car as it was raining almost all the time, and due to which we cancelled rest of the trip, but the slice of Vagamon we saw was unforgettable delight, how one can forget enchanting tea estates, filled with people wrapped in plastic bags, and picking leaves. (This may sound romantic but there was another face of the tea estates of this place large number of the labors who run their life on bare minimum wage), there rickety houses covered layer  of the moss and kids loitering all over the small slum area. Suddenly on the next bent a newly married tribal couple walking with the family, may be to there village.  after crossing bent there were  few nuns walking, to church (i guess), firmly holding the umbrella to save  it from the gust of merciless monsoon wind...

Monday, June 6, 2011

H2O Playing with Photons in a make shift studio

As a water droplets falls they create some amazing patterns on the surface of water may be science can explain it better how this happens but photographs makes one understand different things  about the world it self which cannot be explained by scientific phenomenons.   

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Star Shines Down ( lanes of a slum Bangalore)

We know the as big city as chandelier on the map of state or a country. Of course they are but we forget that under this chandelier few spaces are unlit they live darkness of poverty. Well let me here stop with blabbing over this rhetoric of poverty which is now fought as agenda in never ending wars of political world where things get twisted and more problematic. Its pain to see how still this issue is ignored brutally. Never ending dark lanes and lack of civil amenities makes things worse, because people living in these areas are considered as only valuable voters who makes one win elections by wetting their throats with cheap hooch, and throwing biryani packets. Otherwise they are a black spot in these chandeliers which shines the overwhelming large economy of the country.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Colors of the evening in Hyderabad

                                                     Colors of the evening in Hyderabad 

Its was a random day, of the first week of January,  by then it was cold but not so cold that i need sweater, and not that hot as well that I'll sweat. While walking randomly in campus, i randomly thought  of  going to the lake (Peacock Lake in University Campus), hoping  to rest for a while by the lake. As sun was setting and it was getting darker and darker sky was changing colors like a painting canvas  where a artist puts one layer of color over other gently,  I couldn't resist  my hand slipped inside the bag and searched for the camera with scene eagerness, it was getting dark so quickly that every, minute leaves me  with the scene of losing a moment.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Paigah Tombs structure

Pigaha Tombs (Hyderabad)

Its a deserted place in one corner of Hyderabad city, finding this place was playing a treasure hunt in middle of old city.

Thursday, February 17, 2011